Tool: Photography Exercise
SOFTWARE/TOOLS: Articulate Storyline 360
STAKEHOLDERS: Independent project
LEARNERS: Basic photography students
OBJECTIVE: To develop an engaging, interactive exercise to help photography students understand the reciprocal relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO in manual photography

Click on the image to launch the learning activity.
I designed and developed this interactive exercise to help students grasp the exposure triangle concept in photography. Participants are lead through a series of choices to determine the appropriate settings for the desired depth of field or motion capture effects. If interested, you may view my Planning Chart for an overview of the sequences.
Tool: Student Handbook
SOFTWARE/TOOLS: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat
STAKEHOLDERS: Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division
PROJECT MANAGER: Margaret Helthaler
COPYWRITER: Margaret Helthaler
DESIGNER: Ashley Fessler
ILLUSTRATOR: Mike Massengale
LEARNERS: Online college freshmen
OBJECTIVE: To help incoming graphic design students identify potential career paths and recognize the importance of developing a competitive portfolio

I led a small team of faculty to develop this handbook. We wanted to create an interactive document to encourage student engagement. The career path theme inspired our innovative use of shoe graphics.
My New Student Orientation training sample also features this publication.
Tool: Course Workbook
SOFTWARE/TOOLS: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat
STAKEHOLDERS: Independent project
LEARNERS: Individuals seeking to eat healthier
OBJECTIVE: To supplement course lectures and encourage completion of course exercises

I created this interactive workbook to supplement a course I developed for my food blog audience.